Aaaand we're back! 2016 is almost over, and to end this year with a bang, I'm here to show you a Pinterest fail that happened a few months ago, while I (Tita J) was on a health kick.


Seems simple, right? Two ingredients, banana and eggs. Jack Johnson's Banana Pancakes blasting on Spotify.


Looking good, hey! Eggs and bannas.
Mixed them together and started cooking...

And got this as the finished product??

Zoom in for more fun.
Despite it looking like mush, it tasted good, though. There were a couple of successful, circular pancakes but I wasn't able to take a photo before they were eaten. 

Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes.
- Neil Gaiman

What intereseting mistakes have you made lately? Tita's not here to judge.
  ♥ Tita J


Welcome to the blog of two twenty-something titas documenting their Pinterest journey! Why Pinterest? It's so useful kasi. Dami tips and tricks for life in this century!

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