Chewiest Softest White Chocolate Chip Cookies

I made my first ever batch of cookies in my life last November 2015. And I'm so happy I found the perfect recipe (#TitaJoys!) on Pinterest!

Pinterest Chewy Soft White Choco Chip Cookies
Recipe here
Pinterest DOES NOT TELL YOU how messy your kitchen is going to be if this is your first time baking (ever). It doesn't tell you how much stuff you need to buy and invest in when you're starting to bake as a hobby. You're going to have to buy parchment paper (no, no hija, don't buy wax paper. Listen to mareng Martha Stewart here, on why parchment is better than wax for baking), big chunks of butter, and sacks of flour for whenever you want to bake anything at all. 

PinteresTita Tips
Tita's Tip: When you have flour, butter, granulated and confectioners sugar, corn starch, baking powder, and vanilla syrup in your kitchen, you can find almost anything in the world to bake on Pinterest with whatever you have in your fridge! 
Just type the ingredients on the search bar on Pinterest. 
Ex. "blueberry jam" "dessert" and you'll find this recipe!

Black and Decker Hand Mixer for Chocolate Chip Cookies - Pinterestitas
I also invested in a Black and Decker hand mixer for easy breezy mixing! 
Since my first batch, I've done this recipe several times and have found ways to improve it. I really like chewy and soft cookies, almost like brownies but even softer.
PinteresTita Tips
Tita's Tip: To achieve soft and chewy cookies, add corn starch and use the perfect vanilla pudding mix. 
But to each his own, and some people like chunkier or crunchier cookies. So here's a chart from Pinterest when you want to adjust the cookie recipe to your liking.

Original post and more useful tips from Buzzfeed here "27 Amazing Charts That Will Turn You Into A Baking Whiz"
If you don't give this recipe a try, I will hunt you down, I will find you, and I will forcefully make you gobble up these perfect cookies in true Tita fashion. Hijo, kain ka ng isa pa, 'wag ka na mahiya!

BEST Soft and Chewy White Chocolate Chip Cookies - Pinterestitas - Pinterest Recipe

I've experimented with adding Macadamia nuts or dried cranberry fruits with the white chocolate chips. I've also used dark chocolate chips and peanut butter chips in this recipe too. Works well with anything you want to put in it!

Pinterest Cookie Recipe - Pinteresetitas

Now, if there's one thing I hate, is that Pinterest DOES NOT TELL YOU where to buy these things.
If a recipe calls for Saffron threads (for paella, not cookies okay) and you don't know what it is, you have to go in a research frenzy for that thing.

Fortunately here in Canada, we have Bulk Barn (not a paid ad) where you can buy nuts, flour, sugar, raisins, candy, rice, etc (anything mass noun) in bulk or as little as grams. That's where I got my macadamia nuts and dried cranberry fruits. But never settle for less when you're looking for stuff that the recipe's flavor depends on, like the white chocolate cookies. I only buy Hershey's Chipits and Dr. Oetker's french vanilla pudding mix.

For our Philippines (Manila) readers, I heard there's this wonderful store called Wonderbake in UP Town Center and SM Southmall for baking affictionados! More details here.  It looks like baking/Tita heaven.

Please let me know how your cookies turned out!

Tita T


Welcome to the blog of two twenty-something titas documenting their Pinterest journey! Why Pinterest? It's so useful kasi. Dami tips and tricks for life in this century!

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