How To Keep Your Planner Updated

It's September and in the Philippines, that means it's Christmas season already. And for this tita, that means it's Planner-hunting season already!!!

It's also the time of the year where our diligently kept planners from January have fallen to the wayside, either completely forgotten or seldom updated. I suffer from this too (although I've been quite good at keeping up this year! Maybe because this is the first year that my planner is tiny? It's pretty easy to fill up, compared to bigger planners I've used.), and I've found a quick trick that helps me get off my butt and update.

 For reference, I use a daily Moleskine planner from Starbucks:

It's gotten so bulky! I decorate my planner with photos, stickers, washi tape, and more. I didn't expect it to turn out like that, though, as other planners I've had over the years never bulked up like that. But this baby is a fighter; so far it's still holding up even with the bulge.

Because of the bulk and the hardcover, it's gotten quite heavyenough that I don't like bringing it home or on trips. Which means that after I went to Korea earlier this April, I wasn't able to maintain or update it as often as I had been doing before my trip. Then I went on a beach trip in June, which meant no updates again. I was determined to update though, and by the time July-August rolled around, I had more or less caught up. 

Still, there were some pages that I didn't have ideas for. To finally finish those pages and move on (and get to update my planner IG, which I haven't done in ages!), I thought of this simple hack:

Sticky notes!

I flagged all the pages that weren't finished with sticky notes. So every time I picked up my planner, I saw these horrid things sticking out, acting as glaring reminders that I was not finished. Task not finished, task not finished! 

Add sticky flags to your unfinished planner pages so you can go back for them later. 
You can even color code your sticky flags, depending on the kind of update/s your planner needsbullets, doodles, photos, etc.

It drove me a little nuts seeing my planner with all those tabs sticking out, reminding me that I hadn't finished 10 pages. The very same week, I looked up photos and things I needed to finish and I'm not down to just two pages (which I will probably leave as they are—after all, I don't need to fill up every inch of space on this baby. Also they look better that way ehe).

This hack definitely worked for me. The best thing is, you can use this tip for other projects as wellproject life, sketches, art journals, and so on.

Have fun crafting!

- Tita J


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